Equivalence class testing in software testing pdf
Rather than select any element within an equivalence class, select values at the edge of the equivalence class. For example, given the class: 1 <= input <= 12 you would select values: -1,1,12,13. test all boundary conditions, on both sides.
Equivalence partitions are also known as equivalence classes In order to test the software that calculates the interest due, we can identify the ranges of balance values that earn the different rates of interest. For example, 3% rate of interest is given if the balance in the account is in the range of If the equivalence classes are chosen wisely, the potential redundancy among test cases is greatly reduced. The key point in equivalence class testing is the choice of the
Introduction Use of Equivalence Classes as the basis for functional testing has 2 motivations: Have a sense of complete testing Avoid redundancy
Purpose of this blog is to present information on Software Testing including both Manual and Automation testing. It helps to understand the concepts and provides knowledge to implement the same .
Equivalence Class Testing is appropriate when input data is defined in terms of intervals and sets of discrete values. Equivalence Class Testing is strengthened when combined with Boundary Value Testing Strong equivalence takes the presumption that variables are independent. If that is not the case, redundant test cases may be generated. ECT–31 Guidelines and observations – 2 Complex
6) Equivalence class testing is used when the program function is complex. the complexity of the function can help identify useful equivalence classes. 7) Strong equivalence class testing makes a presumption that the variables are independent and the corresponding multiplication of test cases raises issues of redundancy. . 9) The difference between the strong and weak forms of equivalence
Software testing and quality assurance processes are critical to ensure the success of software projects. This unit covers testing methodologies and theories including. standard test processes – unit tests, integration, system, performance, acceptance, installation; testing methods – code inspections, equivalence class tests, path testing, conformance testing and use case tests
© Lethbridge/Laganière 2005 Chapter 10: Testing and Inspecting for High Quality 16 Testing at boundaries of equivalence classes • More errors in software occur at
• Software testing – Concerned with exercising and observing product behaviour (dynamic verification) – The system is executed with test data and its operational behaviour is observed Static and dynamic verification Static and Dynamic V&V Formal specification High-level design Requirements Detailed Program Prototype Dynamic validation Static verification • Careful planning is required to
Equivalence Class Testing Garreth Davies 2 Abstract This document describes techniques used by testers to test computer software. It primarily focuses on the concept of Equivalence Class testing…
Equivalence Class Testing EC Testing is when you have a number of test items (e.g. values) that you want to test but because of cost (time/money) you do not have time to test them all. Therefore you group the test item into class where all items in each class are suppose to behave exactly the same. to 0, 5% rate of interest is given if the balance in the account is in the range
Equivalence Class Testing-Black Box Software Testing Techniques. The use of equivalence classes as the basis for functional testing and is appropriate in situations like:
Test cases are designed for equivalence data class. The equivalence partitions are frequently derived from the requirements specification for input data that influence the processing of the test object. A use of this method reduces the time necessary for testing software using less and effective test cases.
Using equivalence class partitioning a test value in a particular class is equivalent to a test value of any other member of that class. Therefore, if one test case in a particular equivalence class reveals a defect, all the other test cases based on that class would be expected to reveal the same defect.
Equivalence Partitioning Technique is also known as Equivalence Class Partitioning or ECP. The idea behind this technique is to divide/partition a set of test conditions into groups or sets that can be considered the same or equivalence .This is used to reduce the total number of test cases to a finite set of testable test cases, still covering maximum requirements.
Equivalence partitioning is a Test Case Design Technique to divide the input data of software into different equivalence data classes. Test cases are designed for equivalence data class.
Software Testing, 2013 Mousavi: Equivalence Class Testing. RecapWeak Normal ECStrong Normal ECRobustnessCombined with WCT Outline Recap Weak Normal EC Strong Normal EC Robustness Combined with WCT Mousavi: Equivalence Class Testing. RecapWeak Normal ECStrong Normal ECRobustnessCombined with WCT Functional Testing (recap) I functional testing: program is an …
23 Introduction to Software Engineering 29-July-14 Daniel Sinnig, PhD Equivalence class testing • A testing technique in which test data is derived by partitioning
ISTQB Exam Questions on Equivalence partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis. It’s important that all testers should be able to write test cases based on Equivalence partitioning and Boundary value analysis. Here are few sample questions for practice from ISTQB exam papers on Equivalence partitioning and BVA.
The course Diploma in Software Testing will teach you about strategies that are used for testing software. You will learn about the verification and validation processes of testing and the difference between the two. You will learn about the different levels of testing. You will learn about system testing and its categories and strategies. You will learn about integration testing, when it is

Software Testing Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence
Equivalence Partitioning Test Case Design Technique
Equivalence Partitioning Testing Tutorials Point
Functional Equivalence Classes idea: partition the sets of input- and output-parameters into equivalence classes • test for one representative of each class
2 Software Testing and Maintenance 3 Example Consider a program that is designed to sort a sequence of integers into the ascending order.
Equivalence Class Part Ion Ing – Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. notes on equivalence class partioning, I think it will u give basic to some moderate level of information to U….
Equivalence Class Testing-Black Box Software Testing Techniques The use of equivalence classes as the basis for functional testing and is appropriate in situations like: a) When exhaustive testing is desired. b) When there is a strong need to avoid redundancy. The above are not handled by BVA technique as we can see massive redundancy in the
Equivalence class testing is a black box software testing technique that divides function variable ranges into classes/subsets that are disjoint. It is beneficial for two cases: When exhaustive testing is required. When there is a strong need to avoid redundancy. Equivalence class testing selects test cases one element from each equivalence class. This helps to reduce redundancy. There are 4
Boundary Value Analysis- in Boundary Value Analysis, you test boundaries between equivalence partitions In our earlier example instead of checking, one value for each partition you will check the values at the partitions like 0, 1, 10, 11 and so on.
Equivalence Class Testing vs. Boundary Value Testing
into equivalence classes with each input belonging to one class only. Then‚ one or more test cases are created Then‚ one or more test cases are created for testing each class.
Triangle Problem Weak robust Equivalence Class Test Cases Test Case a b c Expected Output WR1 -1 5 5 Value of a is not in the range of permitted values
If the equivalence classes are chosen wisely, the potential redundancy among test cases is greatly reduced. The key point in equivalence class testing is the choice of the equivalence relation that determines the classes. We will differentiate below, between four different types of equivalence class
Boundary Value Testing-Boundary values of the Equivalence classes are considered and tested as they generally fail in Equivalence class testing. Equivalence class Testing -Test inputs are classified into Equivalence classes such that one input check validates all the input values in that class.
Software Testing Consultancy, Coaching, Training and Mentoring. Improve your Agile Testing, Development and Automating. Abstractions can put your testing in danger if you don’t handle them correctly. So some hints and tips on handling the abstraction known as an ‘equivalence class’ may help. I use the word ‘abstraction’ (wikipedia definition) a lot when I discuss Software Testing
Guidelines for Equivalence Class Testing: The following guidelines are helpful for equivalence class testing 1) The weak forms of equivalence class testing (normal or robust) are not as comprehensive as the corresponding strong forms. 4) Equivalence class testing is approximate when input data is defined in terms of intervals and sets of discrete values. So. This is certainly the case when
E.g. if you divided 1 to 1000 input values invalid data equivalence class, then you can select test case values like 1, 11, 100, 950 etc. Same case for other test cases having invalid data classes. This should be a very basic and simple example to understand the Boundary value analysis and Equivalence partitioning concept.
Black box testing strategies 1. Equivalence partitioning • Aka equivalence classes partitioning. • Inputs to the software or system are divided into groups that are expected to exhibit similar
This software testing method divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases should be designed. The concept behind this technique is that test case of a representative value of each class is equal to a test of any other value of the same class.
Equivalence Class Testing Expert Testers
11/5/2018 10 19 Equivalence Classes / Testing •It is rarely possible in practice to test all possible values of all input variables. •An Equivalence Class is a range of input values
EEQQUUIIVVAALLEENNCCEE PPAARRTTIITTIIOONNIINNGG TTEESSTTIINNGG What is Equivalence Partitioning Testing? Equivalence Partitioning also called as equivalence class partitioning. It is abbreviated as ECP. It is a software testing technique that divides the input test data of the application under test into each partition at least once of equivalent data from which test cases …
Synonyms: equivalence class A portion of the value domain of a data element related to the test object for which all values are expected to be treated the same based on the specification. equivalence …
Equivalence class Testing Software Testing
• Testing in which software components, hardware components, or both are combined and tested to evaluate the interaction between them – Focus on the interaction between classes due to composition or
Equivalence Class Testing: In this method the input domain data is divided into different equivalence data classes. This method is typically used to reduce the total number of test case s to a finite set of testable test cases, still covering maximum requirements.
Software Testing Techniques • Provide system guidance for designing tests that: equivalence class are not handled in an identical manner by the program, split the equivalence class into smaller equivalence classes. 36 Equivalence Partition Example Area Code Blank or 3 Digit Number Prefix 3 Digit not beginning with 0 or 1 Suffix 4 Digit # Password 6 digit alphanumeric string (not required – test plan example in software testing Equivalence Classes With blackbox testing, we don’t attempt to test all inputs Instead, we divide the input into equivalence classes so that – the classes cover the entire valid input space – the classes are disjoint – all values within an equivalence class behave similarly with respect to specification 29/06/10 3 Equivalence Classes Note: there is often more than one acceptable way of
Domain testing is the most widely taught (and perhaps the most widely used) software testing technique. Practitioners often study the simplest cases of domain testing under two other names, “boundary testing” and “equivalence class analysis.” That simplified form applies –Only to tests of input variables –Only when tested at the system level –Only when tested one at a time –Only when
In this article we present a formal justification of model-based equivalence partition testing applied to black box tests of reactive systems with large input data types (floating point types or
• There is a finite number of input equivalence classes • You may reasonably assume that • the program behaves analogously for inputs in the same class • a test with a representative value from a class is sufficient • if representative detects fault then other class members will detect the same fault Black-box : Equivalence Partitioning. CISS Strategy : • Identify input equivalence
guessing equivalence classes (and then selecting test cases in them to include in our test suite) and by adding additional test cases that are designed to account for potential problems with our guesses at the equivalence classes.
Equivalence Partitioning is the Black Box Test Case Design Technique. In the Black Box Testing, we are only interested in the implementation issues. The design of the test case is based on how the end user uses the application to carry out his/her activities with the software. Here we design the test case in such a way that it covers the both positive and negative test cases.
Equivalence Case Testing The Input and the Output Domain is partitioned into mutually exclusive parts called Equivalence Classes. Any one sample from a class is representative of entire class. . Any one sample from a class is representative of entire class. .
Equivalence partitioning, a method for devising test sets in software testing based on dividing the possible program inputs into equivalence classes according to …
CSE 757 – Software Testing 27 Equivalence Partitioning testing with values from the same class CSE 757 – Software Testing 28 Equivalence Classes Examples Input x in range [a..b]: three classes “x<a”, “a<=x<=b”, “b<x” boolean: classes “true” and “false” Some classes may represent invalid input Choosing test values Choose a typical value in the middle of the class(es
Equivalence Partitioning is also known as Equivalence Class Partitioning. In equivalence partitioning, inputs to the software or system are divided into groups that are expected to exhibit similar behavior, so they are likely to be proposed in the same way. Hence selecting one input from each group to design the test cases.
Keywords: software testing, domain testing, equivalence class testing, boundary value testing, equivalence partitioning, partition analysis, boundary value analysis. 1 Introduction A domain of a program with mutually independent parameters is a set of all combinations of all values of these parameters. The input domain can be very big. The main goal of domain testing methods is to …
30/12/2018 · Equivalence partitioning equivalence or class (ecp) is a software testing technique that divides the input data of unit into partitions equivalent from which test cases can be derived. What is
Goal of testing research, since mid-1972, is to define a test set and to define test set adequacy so that each test case from the test set represents one test from a class of possible tests.
Equivalence Testing Consider the common hypothesis test… H0: 1 = 2 vs. HA: 1 6= 2…and it turns out that the client is content or even happy when the null hypothesis is
Here are the 288 test cases. Every value of every variable is combined with every
Equivalence partitioning is a method for deriving test cases. In this method, equivalence classes (for input values) are identified such that each member of the class causes the same kind of …
Equivalence partitioning or equivalence class partitioning (ECP) is a software testing technique that divides the input data of a software unit into partitions of equivalent data from which test …
What is Boundary value analysis and Equivalence partitioning?
Equivalence Class Testing = equivalence classes 36 equiv. classes on M x D x Y 36 rules/test cases – reducing by combining rules with don’t care cases yields 16 rules Jorgensen, Paul C. Software Testing A Craftsman Approach. Lec 04 Decision Tables 23 CSCE 747 Fall 2013 NextDate 2nd Try Jorgensen, Paul C. Software Testing A Craftsman Approach. Lec 04 Decision Tables 24 CSCE …
Equivalence Partitioning also called as equivalence class partitioning. It is abbreviated as ECP. It is a software testing technique that divides the input test data of the application under test into each partition at least once of equivalent data from which test cases can be derived.
I am new to Software testing and I am studying the basic techniques. I read the following problem: Identify the Equivalence Classes for the following specification: The program accepts five to nine inputs which are 3 digit integers greater than 100.
26/11/2018 · This software testing method divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases should be designed. The concept behind this technique is that test case of a representative value of each class is equal to a test of any other value of the same class.
Boundary Value Analysis & Equivalence Partitioning with
Difference between equivalence and boundary value in
Testing and Inspecting to Ensure High Quality
Equivalence Partitioning and Boundary value analysis are linked to each other and can be used together at all levels of testing. Based on the edges of the equivalence classes, test …
SOFTWARE TESTING A Craftsmcm’s Approach THIRD EDITION Paul C. Jorgensen A Auerbach Publications Taylor &. Francis Croup Boca Raton New York Auerbach Publications is an imprint of the
Testing MIT OpenCourseWare
Software Testing csc.ncsu.edu
What is Equivalence Partitioning or Equivalence Class

Equivalence Classes in software testing Stack Overflow

Equivalence Class Testing1 Swansea

4 . 3 Using the Black Box Approach to Test Case Design

Software Testing Techniques with Examples guru99.com

What Is Equivalence Partitioning In Software Testing YouTube
example of balanced scorecard software – Equivalence Class Testing people.eecs.ku.edu
Class8 SW Testing Techniques IIT-Computer Science
Equivalence partitioning Wikipedia


Equivalence Testing University of Iowa

What is Equivalence Partitioning Technique? Toolsqa

Equivalence partitioning Wikipedia

Equivalence Testing Consider the common hypothesis test… H0: 1 = 2 vs. HA: 1 6= 2…and it turns out that the client is content or even happy when the null hypothesis is
Software testing and quality assurance processes are critical to ensure the success of software projects. This unit covers testing methodologies and theories including. standard test processes – unit tests, integration, system, performance, acceptance, installation; testing methods – code inspections, equivalence class tests, path testing, conformance testing and use case tests
Keywords: software testing, domain testing, equivalence class testing, boundary value testing, equivalence partitioning, partition analysis, boundary value analysis. 1 Introduction A domain of a program with mutually independent parameters is a set of all combinations of all values of these parameters. The input domain can be very big. The main goal of domain testing methods is to …
Rather than select any element within an equivalence class, select values at the edge of the equivalence class. For example, given the class: 1 <= input <= 12 you would select values: -1,1,12,13. test all boundary conditions, on both sides.

Equivalence Class Testing York University

Equivalence Class Testing-Black Box Software Testing Techniques. The use of equivalence classes as the basis for functional testing and is appropriate in situations like:
Equivalence Partitioning also called as equivalence class partitioning. It is abbreviated as ECP. It is a software testing technique that divides the input test data of the application under test into each partition at least once of equivalent data from which test cases can be derived.
ISTQB Exam Questions on Equivalence partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis. It’s important that all testers should be able to write test cases based on Equivalence partitioning and Boundary value analysis. Here are few sample questions for practice from ISTQB exam papers on Equivalence partitioning and BVA.
Equivalence class testing is a black box software testing technique that divides function variable ranges into classes/subsets that are disjoint. It is beneficial for two cases: When exhaustive testing is required. When there is a strong need to avoid redundancy. Equivalence class testing selects test cases one element from each equivalence class. This helps to reduce redundancy. There are 4
30/12/2018 · Equivalence partitioning equivalence or class (ecp) is a software testing technique that divides the input data of unit into partitions equivalent from which test cases can be derived. What is
If the equivalence classes are chosen wisely, the potential redundancy among test cases is greatly reduced. The key point in equivalence class testing is the choice of the equivalence relation that determines the classes. We will differentiate below, between four different types of equivalence class
Test cases are designed for equivalence data class. The equivalence partitions are frequently derived from the requirements specification for input data that influence the processing of the test object. A use of this method reduces the time necessary for testing software using less and effective test cases.
Keywords: software testing, domain testing, equivalence class testing, boundary value testing, equivalence partitioning, partition analysis, boundary value analysis. 1 Introduction A domain of a program with mutually independent parameters is a set of all combinations of all values of these parameters. The input domain can be very big. The main goal of domain testing methods is to …

An introduction to the theory and practice of domain testing
Black Box Software Testing Spring 2005 Testing Education

Guidelines for Equivalence Class Testing: The following guidelines are helpful for equivalence class testing 1) The weak forms of equivalence class testing (normal or robust) are not as comprehensive as the corresponding strong forms. 4) Equivalence class testing is approximate when input data is defined in terms of intervals and sets of discrete values. So. This is certainly the case when
2 Software Testing and Maintenance 3 Example Consider a program that is designed to sort a sequence of integers into the ascending order.
23 Introduction to Software Engineering 29-July-14 Daniel Sinnig, PhD Equivalence class testing • A testing technique in which test data is derived by partitioning
In this article we present a formal justification of model-based equivalence partition testing applied to black box tests of reactive systems with large input data types (floating point types or
Boundary Value Analysis- in Boundary Value Analysis, you test boundaries between equivalence partitions In our earlier example instead of checking, one value for each partition you will check the values at the partitions like 0, 1, 10, 11 and so on.
Equivalence Class Testing EC Testing is when you have a number of test items (e.g. values) that you want to test but because of cost (time/money) you do not have time to test them all. Therefore you group the test item into class where all items in each class are suppose to behave exactly the same.

Equivalence Class Testing vs. Boundary Value Testing
Equivalence Class Testing eecs.yorku.ca

Guidelines for Equivalence Class Testing: The following guidelines are helpful for equivalence class testing 1) The weak forms of equivalence class testing (normal or robust) are not as comprehensive as the corresponding strong forms. 4) Equivalence class testing is approximate when input data is defined in terms of intervals and sets of discrete values. So. This is certainly the case when
Test cases are designed for equivalence data class. The equivalence partitions are frequently derived from the requirements specification for input data that influence the processing of the test object. A use of this method reduces the time necessary for testing software using less and effective test cases.
Keywords: software testing, domain testing, equivalence class testing, boundary value testing, equivalence partitioning, partition analysis, boundary value analysis. 1 Introduction A domain of a program with mutually independent parameters is a set of all combinations of all values of these parameters. The input domain can be very big. The main goal of domain testing methods is to …
If the equivalence classes are chosen wisely, the potential redundancy among test cases is greatly reduced. The key point in equivalence class testing is the choice of the

4 . 3 Using the Black Box Approach to Test Case Design
Boundary Value Analysis & Equivalence Partitioning with

Purpose of this blog is to present information on Software Testing including both Manual and Automation testing. It helps to understand the concepts and provides knowledge to implement the same .
I am new to Software testing and I am studying the basic techniques. I read the following problem: Identify the Equivalence Classes for the following specification: The program accepts five to nine inputs which are 3 digit integers greater than 100.
Equivalence Class Testing = equivalence classes 36 equiv. classes on M x D x Y 36 rules/test cases – reducing by combining rules with don’t care cases yields 16 rules Jorgensen, Paul C. Software Testing A Craftsman Approach. Lec 04 Decision Tables 23 CSCE 747 Fall 2013 NextDate 2nd Try Jorgensen, Paul C. Software Testing A Craftsman Approach. Lec 04 Decision Tables 24 CSCE …
Equivalence Class Testing EC Testing is when you have a number of test items (e.g. values) that you want to test but because of cost (time/money) you do not have time to test them all. Therefore you group the test item into class where all items in each class are suppose to behave exactly the same.
Equivalence partitioning, a method for devising test sets in software testing based on dividing the possible program inputs into equivalence classes according to …
Black box testing strategies 1. Equivalence partitioning • Aka equivalence classes partitioning. • Inputs to the software or system are divided into groups that are expected to exhibit similar
Here are the 288 test cases. Every value of every variable is combined with every
Equivalence Partitioning Technique is also known as Equivalence Class Partitioning or ECP. The idea behind this technique is to divide/partition a set of test conditions into groups or sets that can be considered the same or equivalence .This is used to reduce the total number of test cases to a finite set of testable test cases, still covering maximum requirements.
If the equivalence classes are chosen wisely, the potential redundancy among test cases is greatly reduced. The key point in equivalence class testing is the choice of the

12 thoughts on “Equivalence class testing in software testing pdf

  1. If the equivalence classes are chosen wisely, the potential redundancy among test cases is greatly reduced. The key point in equivalence class testing is the choice of the equivalence relation that determines the classes. We will differentiate below, between four different types of equivalence class

    Equivalence Class Testing Software Engineering for GATE
    What is Equivalence Partitioning or Equivalence Class
    An introduction to the theory and practice of domain testing

  2. 30/12/2018 · Equivalence partitioning equivalence or class (ecp) is a software testing technique that divides the input data of unit into partitions equivalent from which test cases can be derived. What is

    03 Equivalence Class Testing · skylerto/Software-Testing
    Boundary Value Analysis & Equivalence Partitioning with

  3. Equivalence Class Testing Garreth Davies 2 Abstract This document describes techniques used by testers to test computer software. It primarily focuses on the concept of Equivalence Class testing…

    Equivalence Class Testing people.eecs.ku.edu

  4. Software Testing, 2013 Mousavi: Equivalence Class Testing. RecapWeak Normal ECStrong Normal ECRobustnessCombined with WCT Outline Recap Weak Normal EC Strong Normal EC Robustness Combined with WCT Mousavi: Equivalence Class Testing. RecapWeak Normal ECStrong Normal ECRobustnessCombined with WCT Functional Testing (recap) I functional testing: program is an …

    Testing and Inspecting to Ensure High Quality
    What is Equivalence Partitioning or Equivalence Class
    Exhaustive Model-Based Equivalence Class Testing Request PDF

  5. Equivalence Class Testing: In this method the input domain data is divided into different equivalence data classes. This method is typically used to reduce the total number of test case s to a finite set of testable test cases, still covering maximum requirements.

    SOFTWARE TESTING University Of Maryland

  6. into equivalence classes with each input belonging to one class only. Then‚ one or more test cases are created Then‚ one or more test cases are created for testing each class.

    Testing MIT OpenCourseWare
    4 . 3 Using the Black Box Approach to Test Case Design

  7. The course Diploma in Software Testing will teach you about strategies that are used for testing software. You will learn about the verification and validation processes of testing and the difference between the two. You will learn about the different levels of testing. You will learn about system testing and its categories and strategies. You will learn about integration testing, when it is

    Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) Vs. Equivalence Class

  8. 6) Equivalence class testing is used when the program function is complex. the complexity of the function can help identify useful equivalence classes. 7) Strong equivalence class testing makes a presumption that the variables are independent and the corresponding multiplication of test cases raises issues of redundancy. . 9) The difference between the strong and weak forms of equivalence

    Equivalence Class Part Ion Ing Software Testing Areas
    Testing and Inspecting to Ensure High Quality

  9. Equivalence Partitioning is the Black Box Test Case Design Technique. In the Black Box Testing, we are only interested in the implementation issues. The design of the test case is based on how the end user uses the application to carry out his/her activities with the software. Here we design the test case in such a way that it covers the both positive and negative test cases.

    Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Class Partitioning
    Equivalence Class Testing Expert Testers
    Software Testing csc.ncsu.edu

  10. 6) Equivalence class testing is used when the program function is complex. the complexity of the function can help identify useful equivalence classes. 7) Strong equivalence class testing makes a presumption that the variables are independent and the corresponding multiplication of test cases raises issues of redundancy. . 9) The difference between the strong and weak forms of equivalence

    Boundary Value Analysis & Equivalence Partitioning with
    Equivalence Class Testing Software Testing Variable

  11. Equivalence Testing Consider the common hypothesis test… H0: 1 = 2 vs. HA: 1 6= 2…and it turns out that the client is content or even happy when the null hypothesis is

    Complexity of Equivalence Class and Boundary Value Testing

  12. 23 Introduction to Software Engineering 29-July-14 Daniel Sinnig, PhD Equivalence class testing • A testing technique in which test data is derived by partitioning

    Equivalence partitioning Wikipedia

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